Abstract for: Modelling Household Energy Consumption in areas with unreliable electricity supply

Literature shows the presence of dynamic models on Household Energy Consumption to understand household energy use and behaviour. [1] The use of energy-intensive and inefficient appliances by households’ results in high electricity bills for the household owners although such appliances have a relatively low initial purchase price. To counter it, logic suggests that switching to energy-efficient appliances may reduce operating costs as they consume less energy than inefficient appliances and could be profitable in the long run. However, the rebound effect is highly pronounced in literature. It says that actual savings realized may differ from the expected savings because household users now have an incentive to consume more as the cost of consuming energy is relatively cheaper now. [2] I wish to understand how efficient demand-side technologies can enhance the benefits of electrification in areas hindered by an unreliable grid connection. Thus, I would like to centre this study for areas with unreliable electricity supply and understand the role of energy-efficient appliances, storage and tariff structure in determining households’ energy use, their investment decision and behaviour towards energy consumption.