Abstract for: A State-of-the-Art Review: Ireland, a Model State?

The review aimed to establish the state of the art in simulation modelling techniques and to identify how they have a utility in modelling how Hemp sativa can be utilised for carbon sequestration efforts and the realisation of a circular green economy in Ireland by 2050. Policymakers can use decision support models that can help design climate policies and select relevant climate change strategies. The research introduced the steps of modelling a system and addressed the classification of various system models. It reviewed how to combine developing hybrid simulation techniques with established and matured practices and provided examples of their application using case studies with a focus on their application in Ireland. It investigated the use of System Dynamics (SD) utilised with Lean Six Sigma methodologies and the use of the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control) cycle. It addressed which environmentally focused models are used in Ireland within the European Union framework. The review found that there is little literature on System Dynamics (SD) used with Lean Six Sigma and can provide further opportunities for research and SD modelers should explore the rapidly evolving area of hybrid modelling.