Abstract for: Examining Impacts of a Congestion Pricing Policy on Road Safety Outcomes in New York City

Congestion pricing policies (CPPs) are a travel demand management strategy designed to reduce peak-period traffic volumes by financially encouraging road users to use alternate transport modes, eliminate trips, or travel at different times. CPPs have been implemented in several large cities, including Milan, London, Manchester, and Stockholm, and many others are actively considering implementation. In the U.S., New York City (NYC) plans to implement a CPP in early 2021. While several studies have predicted or evaluated traffic flow, profitability, and air pollution impacts of these policies, little is known about road safety impacts, particularly for vulnerable road users, like pedestrians and cyclists. The objective of this study is to determine whether, and if so, how can the NYC CPP improve safety for all road users and particularly vulnerable road users, like pedestrians and cyclists, while meeting the intended purpose of reducing congestion. To examine these hypotheses, we have integrated data from 1) multidisciplinary group model building sessions focused on vulnerable road user death trends, 2) a robust review of the CPP literature, and 3) expert input into a CLD of our working dynamic hypotheses. An SD simulation model is currently being constructed based on the CLD.