Abstract for: SUSTAIN: an SD-based boardgame for urban sustainability

*NOTE*: a maximum of 18 people can play the game but any number can watch the game being played. Players will be selected on the basis of a First-come First-serve basis, so the first to register will be the ones who will be able to play. PLS DO REGISTER A FREE ACCOUNT ON TABLETOPIA BEFORE THE WORKSHOP. The SUSTAIN boardgame was developed in the context of an ERASMUS+ EU-funded project, with a perspective on urban sustainability. Its goal is to promote the importance of sustainability for cities’ everyday problems among students in higher education, which are the policy makers of tomorrow and the ones that will shape our common future. The game and its rules have been designed following the development of a System Dynamics model aimed at tackling Urban Sustainability, so trying to reproduce, in the game, some of the realistic dynamics deriving from the SD-model simulations. The SUSTAIN boardgame, and its associated course, can be downloaded for free (by signing a Manifestation of interest letter) in its print&play form at the following link: http://sustainerasmus.eu/wp/