Abstract for:Exploring adaptation strategies to sea-level-rise for rural coastal communities

This work in progress explores the integration of a hydrologic process model, which consider the impacts of active water management in a coastal watershed, with the formation of a system dynamics causal-loop diagram, and later advanced stock and flow model, describing the complexities involved with multiple non-government entities of differing organization and authority which provide water drainage for a frequently inundated region.  The objective is to examine the existence of tipping points where these coastal communities collapse due to the increased frequency and severity of inundation, as well as due to the lack of adaption, mitigation, or retreat plans. The results would then be used for discussion and involvement with members of the technical working and stakeholder groups involved in the lake restoration initiative.  The goal would be to start informing the community that the issues at hand are much larger than the presently stated objectives of the lake restoration initiative, and that climate change should be much more strongly considered in their plan.   In presenting this work it is hoped that other modeling practitioners will be able to offer some critical feedback.