Abstract for:A Two-Way Comparative Evaluation Scheme for Public Service Quality in Beijing

In order to expand the types of public services constantly, increase the public service level, and meet the growing needs of citizens, Chinese governments at all levels are stepping up their evaluation of public service level. This paper introduces the preliminary results of the research project named “A Study on the Evaluation Mechanism of Public Service Level in Beijing” undertaken by the author and his team.

The research project included a full analysis made with the theory and method of System Dynamics (SD) on the social and economic factors that influenced the categories and levels of public services covering 81 items in eight categories officially identified and distributed by the State Council of China. SD comprehensive evaluation models were designed, including five-subsystems: population, economic development and fiscal revenue and expenditure, supply of public services, demand for public services, and two-way comparison and evaluation. Simulation analysis was made on the gap between supply and demand of nursing home bed for the registered population and the total resident population over 60 years old, as well as on the comparative supply and demand assessment indexes under different scenarios. The research yielded some results that may be used as reference to policy regulation.