Abstract for:A social simulation to understand driver’s conduct changes in emerging countries: Can technological interventions from pedestrians accelerate respect at permitted crossings?
Avoiding government rules and regulations has become a limitation of both development and social welfare. Road Traffic Regulations for pedestrians constitute a critical dimension in control systems as their transgressions involved 740 deaths daily worldwide. 90% of the world's fatalities on the roads occur in low- and middle-income countries, like Colombia. Human factors cause 80 % of deaths and they are associated to general conducts of drivers. In this work, we studied the influence of a social self-regulation system in the conduct of drivers toward respecting pedestrians. We introduced the usage of a mobile app, to empower pedestrians of their rights and, to report code transgressions at permitted crossings to control organisms. Through our social simulation, we found that drivers change their conduct slightly when pedagogical campaigns are implemented, drastically when perception of control exists and fairly when interactions with respectful drivers are performed. We concluded that a rapid change on the conduct of drivers can be reached by empowering pedestrians; pedagogical campaigns do not motivate drivers to change; however, they are necessary to maintain the presence of control organisms. Multiple scenario simulations permitted to determine that Health, Transport, Economy, Culture and Education systems have positive financial benefits.