Abstract for: Growth Engine Strategy Analysis Based on Lean Startup Approach: Case of a Brazilian Startup

Elaborate models that explicit the patterns of how startups execute their growth can assist them in this important part of their life cycle. Ries (2011) suggests that, in order for the startups’ growth to be coherent, their entrepreneurs should adopt a group of specific metrics based on three distinct growth categories, or growth engines: Paid, viral and sticky. This work’s objective is to analyze the three growth engines suggested by the author, through a study case of an information technology Brazilian startup specialized in retailer B2B market that received financial support. Thus, semi structured interviews with the startup CEO were conducted in order to establish the stocks and flows model simulation for each growth engine. As a result, it was possible to identify gaps in the concept of each engine through the comparison of literature, simulations and CEO perception. The intended contribution is to incorporate the dynamics systems methodology in an environment which lacks dynamic analysis and models: technology-based startups in Brazil.