Abstract for: Dana Meadows Award Announcement
The Dana Meadows Award was established in 2001 to honor the late Dana Meadows and encourage the next generation of students in the field of system dynamics. The award is given annually for the best paper by a student presented at the annual System Dynamics Conference. Students can self-nominate any manuscript that they have submitted as sole author, or co-author, for inclusion in the conference. The winner receives a cash award, a conference registration and an allowance for travel expenses. Be sure to read the detailed expectations and conditions that Award-worthy papers must meet. The Society awarded its 2014 Dana Meadows Award to to Can Sücüllü in the Department of Industrial Engineering, Boğaziçi University for a paper entitled “Behavior Analysis and Testing Software (BATS) ” (co-authored with Gönenç Yücel). The Award was presented by Joel Rahn.