Abstract for: Study on the Impact of CO2 Emission Depending on Change of the Urban Structure: Case Study of Khon Kaen, Thailand

In terms of measures against global warming, huge amount of CO2 emission reduction from urban transportation has been absolutely imperative because automobile usage is expected to grow in many developing nations. To realize such huge reduction, many studies proposed comprehensive countermeasures including introduction of urban rail or guide way system, introduction of renewable energy, usage of eco-friendly vehicle and introduction of taxation and economical restriction such as road pricing and estimated CO2 emission reduction by implementing such countermeasures through change of travel behavior of households and enterprises and also change of automobile usage. However, change of urban structure such as Transit Oriented Development (TOD) has not be regarded on those estimation which might bring huge reduction of CO2 emission. Also, most of studies estimated CO2 emission reduction in certain targeted year only. Thus dynamical impacts of countermeasures on CO2 emission is not clarified. Therefore, in this study, relationship between urban area and Vehicle Kilometer Traveled (VKT) was analyzed based on former study in Khon Kaen, Thailand first. Then, a system dynamics model was developed to estimate CO2 emission based on relationship between urban structure and VKT. Finally, impacts of proposed measures were analyzed.