Abstract for: Getting Started with Forio: Turn Your Model into a Web Simulation
Bring your own Vensim, AnyLogic, iThink or Forio model along with your laptop and by the end of our workshop you値l have your simulation running on the web in a free Forio Simulate account. If you don稚 have a model or a laptop you can pair up with someone during the workshop and collaborate to produce a web simulation. The session will start with a ten minute introduction to Forio Simulate. After the introduction, we値l divide the workshop into two phases. In the first phase we will help you get your model running on Forio Simulate. We値l walk through the process of importing your model as a group and then give you time to get your own model running on the platform. In the second phase we値l focus on creating a user interface for your model. We値l start phase two with a class introduction on how to use Simulate痴 drag- and-drop interface designer. After the introduction, you will be able to work on your own simulation with help from Forio. Any volunteers can present their simulations to the class. Forio will provide a debrief on the web simulations presented and suggest possible next steps for enhancing those sims.