Abstract for: Facility Conditions: A System Dynamics Review of the CSU Capital Outlay Program and its Impacts to the CSU, Chico Campus

The California State University, Chico’s assets are deteriorating. The existing mechanisms to improve the campus through the California State University (CSU) Capital Outlay program will do little to address the widespread degradation of the campus facilities. Through delegated authority, each campus is responsible for the welfare of its facilities; creating 23 separate approaches to facilities management and enabling a zero sum game for capital resources. The consequences of widespread facilities degradation is impacting student success and preventing both the system and individual campuses from focusing on its core responsibilities and ultimately its mission. While the CSU system appears to be aware of the theory of asset management and total cost of ownership, policies and practices indicate that there is a large gap between comprehension and implementation. This paper will analyze the existing CSU facilities management system utilizing two dynamic models to understand general system behavior, local impacts to the CSU, Chico campus and potential leverage points for improvement.