Abstract for: Cost of Malaria Elimination in Kenya by Means of IVM Implementation

Kenya is one of the sub-Saharan countries where malaria is still endemic in some of its regions. The interventions to reduce malaria prevalence in Kenya focus on both, case management and prevention. The first type of intervention deals with diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The second type -prevention- includes very diverse methods to avoid mosquito bites. During the last years, prevention in Kenya has been based on the use of Integrated Vector Management (IVM), which is a rational decision-making tool designed to provide intelligent and optimal management of resources meant for malaria prevention and vector control. The present study evaluates the potential impact of different IVM strategies for the future, in order to obtain optimal results in malaria reduction. The analysis has been performed using a system dynamics model that can simulate and evaluate different IVM interventions under different scenarios of development prospects, climate change or effectiveness of anti-malaria methods. Such scenarios can help to identify adequate interventions to maximize reduction in malaria transmission while observing their repercussions in the other sectors. Finally, the model allows estimating the possible cost of eliminating malaria in Kenya on a mid-term horizon under different scenarios and considering different combinations of IVM interventions.