Abstract for: Understanding Complexities in Public Policy Making Process Through Policy Cycle Model: A System Dynamics Approach

This paper is aimed to explore theoretically the complexities and the reality in the policy making process from the point of view causality relationships among the components or actors within the system. The complexities’ exploration in the paper is based on the model of the policy cycle that is widely discussed in the public policy and public administration literatures. The sense of reality surroundings the policy-making process is perceived from some study cases that have been observed from Australia and Indonesia literature. Simulation throughout the paper revealed different complexities and some pitfalls in each stage of the policy cycle model on which should be given a proper attention from the policy stakeholder. The paper tried to construct a different approach to understand the reality and embrace the complexities of the policy-making process in order to present a starting point for an open discussion in public policy field. The effort could be a learning tool for the public policy maker to build good awareness and understanding on their roles in the complex relationship and inter-dependent environment. Eventually, the paper hopefully can fill the gap between policy cycle model theory and the complexity in the real situation of the policy-making process.