Abstract for: How the concept of organisational value highlights corporate performance drivers

Numerous studies and publications focus on the concept of information system value analysis in industry. The purpose of this paper is twofold: 1) We have endeavoured to describe the as yet still rather unconventional concept of organisational value, demonstrating that both technical and cognitive aspects play a part in its construction. Not only are the components of this organisational value linear and static; they interact with each other over time. Our wish, in fact, was to study the evolutionary dynamics of this organisational value generating a greater or lesser impact on corporate performance; 2) We have built a teaching simulator (a "serious game") to illustrate how this systems dynamic works and to show students how the usually-concealed drivers of change generate this organisational value. The teaching value of the tool is to provide two modes of operation: the automatic mode, where the computer decides, and the manual mode, where the student decides alone or as part of a group.