Abstract for: Latin America Chapter Poster Presentation and Annual Meeting
The Latinamerican Chapter has the mission to help the SD-community grow in the Spanish speaking countries. Founded in 2003, it has Latinamerican members from Mexico to Chile, from Spain and a growing number of Spanish speakers living in other countries. Since 2003, the annual meeting allows practitioners to gather and newcomers to get in to touch; we have been in Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Argentina so far. These conferences are the base of our positive feedback loop: each year the number of works submitted and presented is increased. Since 2005, the Spanish “Revista de Dinámica de Sistemas” publishes two numbers per year. The “sisTEMAS” newsletter and a mail list allow keeping in touch. In November 2009, the 7th Latinamerican Conference took place in Santa Marta, Colombia, organized by Industrial University of Santander, National University of Colombia and University of Magdalena. This year's meeting will take place in Lima, Perú in November 2010. It is an opportunity to welcome new members. If you would like to join us please contact Gloria Pérez (gloria.perez@itesm.mx), Isaac Dyner (idyner@unalmed.edu.co) or Martin Schaffernicht (martin@utalca.cl). The annual business meeting was held in Seoul and affords the opportunity to get involve with the Latin-American Chapter activities and develop the networking we need to develop the System Dynamics field in our countries.