Abstract for: Create a Multiplayer Online Simulation Game
This workshop will teach you how develop your own online simulation game using existing system dynamics models and technology readily available online. You’ll come out of this workshop with a multiplayer price war game. Massively Multiplayer Online Games have dramatically increased the popularity and awareness of online games and simulations. The problem is that blockbuster games like these require blockbuster budgets. However, there is now an opportunity to create smaller multiplayer games on a limited budget. Instead of a massive multiplayer worlds, system dynamics-based simulations can be transformed online into small multiplayer simulation villages that teach specific lessons to participants through a web browser. We will start our workshop by collaboratively brainstorming a simple price war model and building it in Forio Simulate. After our model has been constructed and tested we will focus on creating an engaging multiplayer user experience using Forio Simulate’s drag-and-drop interface designer. The workshop will conclude with volunteers playing our freshly developed game in front of the class. The game will be hosted by Forio and available for all demo participants to play. The content developed during our workshop will licensed under creative common attribution share-alike so it can be easily improved upon by anyone.