Abstract for: SUMMARY for Masterful Classes K- Graduate
The “Masterful Classes K- Graduate” is a series of six one-hour workshops. Morning workshops include the first three out of six workshops highlighting examples of good teachers presenting system dynamics lessons from early elementary school through high school school. The teachers in this session are all K-12 educators experienced in the use of system dynamics in the classroom. (1): How 6-year olds learn System Dynamics ABC’s; (2): Stocks and Flows in the Middle School Classroom; (3): Models for Use in Advanced Algebra: Lessons on Drug Dynamics. Afternoon workshops include presentations by three professional system dynamicists who have thought a great deal about teaching in the field and who have been recognized by students and colleagues as master teachers. Topics will feature describing the power of interdisciplinary modeling using system dynamics; exploring the joys of tiny concept models; and focusing on urban dynamics. The aim of each of the three afternoon sessions is a self-contained class teaching something interesting and useful about the real world and something interesting and useful about modeling skills and the system dynamics approach.