Abstract for: Stray dogs, street gangs and terrorists: manifestations of a latent capacity support system

Pests and other undesirable populations offer considerable resilience to interventions attempting to limit or eradicate them. These interventions often directly aim at reducing these populations through either by limiting their procreation or accelerating their demise. For example, stray dogs roam the streets of many major Asian cities in spite of the efforts to euthanize or castrate them. Street gangs and the violence associated with them continue in many North American cities in spite of considerable effort on part of law and order institutions to contain them. Suicide attacks menacing public continue in central Asian countries like Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan in spite of the concerted military offensives to eradicate their perpetrators. This poster will suggest that a latent capacity enablement structure that maintains the inflow into the undesirable population exists in all such cases. Interventions not cognizant of this structure may only address symptoms and not alleviate the root cause. The capacity enablement process as a generic metaphor may help to bring the latent root cause to fore.