The evaluated ELI-P Complex test is a biochemical system for pre-pregnancy/pre-natal screening used to determine the probability of pathology in pregnancy through the evaluation of the immunoregulatory state of fertile females. This work uses system dynamics (SD) as an assessment tool for the given technology and policy analysis. Simulation is designed to run at a relatively high level of aggregation for the time period between 2010 and 2035. It allows the dynamics of the model to be traced at the population (US) level of technology application in order to conduct an integrated policy analysis for prenatal care under various implementation scenarios of the ELI-P Complex. Simulation results clearly point to the benefits of the ELI-P Complex screening which helps to monitor female reproductive health and to achieve noticeable improvements in the overall health status of new generations. This work is the result of collaboration with a well-integrated network of clinicians, microbiologists and system modelers.