The 24th International Conference of The System Dynamics Society
System Dynamics Society Logo
July 23 - 27, 2006 ---  Nijmegen
Local Host ---  Methodology Department,
Nijmegen School of Management,
Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Conference Information: Call for Papers, Presentations, Workshops and Sessions

Nijmegen 2006
Nijmegen is the Netherlands' oldest city and celebrates its 2000th anniversary in 2005. The city offers historic sites and museums and borders beautiful forest countryside and polder landscapes, our unique low-lying terrains that have been reclaimed from water and are protected by dikes.
Conference meetings will be held at the campus of Radboud University in auditoria and parallel rooms. For coffee breaks and lunches the university restaurant and open-air bar are available.

Conference Venue
The 2006 conference of the System Dynamics Society will be held at the campus of Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. A range of accommodations, from a luxury spa hotel to bed & breakfasts and economical hostels, is available within walking distance or up to a 15-minute bus (or bike!) ride depending on the location. Nijmegen is a small, friendly city and very easy to navigate. Nijmegen can be easily reached from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport by a 1.5 hour scenic train ride. Information on travel and accommodations will be available at the Society website.

The conference will bring together people from all over the globe working in system dynamics and systems thinking. Presentations by practitioners and world leaders in the field will cover a wide variety of topics.

The theme of the conference is 'The dynamics of innovation in networks'. Successful innovation requires enthusiasm and commitment from all parties involved. In complex issues that extend beyond the boundaries of a single organization, the network of stakeholders can be extensive. System dynamics in the Netherlands often takes the form of group model building. Academics and consultants alike choose to apply modeling in innovative projects on novel, complex issues that extend beyond the boundaries of single entities, reaching out to other individuals, groups or organizations. True to the spirit of system dynamics, group model building aims to capture the whole system, by involving all relevant constituencies and stakeholders in model construction. The theme of the conference reflects this involvement of multiple parties in making innovation work.

In addition to presentations, discussions, modeling assistance workshops and colloquia, this conference aims to bring together participants from constituencies that play a leading role in many innovations. Representatives from companies, government and education will be involved in group model building workshops. The special Business Day on Wednesday, July 26 will feature plenary and parallel sessions targeted at innovative projects in business. The Workshop Day is scheduled for Thursday, July 27.

Topics to be addressed include:

Papers may be submitted from January 2, 2006 to March 1, 2006 and must be in sufficient detail for the referees to judge their meaning and value. Submissions must be in English and should be 5 - 30 pages in length (there is also a maximum 2 MB electronic file size). Abstracts will not be accepted. Submission of models and other supporting materials to enable replication and aid the review process is encouraged in all cases (maximum file size 2 MB in addition to the paper). For more details on paper submissions please see the conference website:

Each paper must have a designated presenter and one individual can be a designated presenter for at most two works. Due to scheduling demands, designated presenters not registered by June 1, 2006 will have their papers automatically reassigned to poster sessions.

All works submitted will be assigned for double blind peer review. The results, with the oversight of the program chair, will determine whether a work will be accepted, and, if so, whether for plenary, parallel or poster presentation.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent by April 15, 2006. Authors retain the copyright to all submitted work and, by submitting, grant permission for inclusion in the conference proceedings.

Proposals for workshops and tutorials should be submitted online via the Society website.

Software vendors are welcome to offer workshops introducing the use of their software. The workshop will introduce attendees to the mechanics of the software, and an opportunity for attendees to get hands-on experience with a demo version of the software. The sessions must be purely technical, no commercial promotion of the software is allowed and please do not (a) get into issues of pricing and license options, nor (b) list or describe companies for whom models have been developed using the software, nor (c) list or describe the types of models that have been done for hire using the software. Presenters may give a website and contact information, but no more than that, in terms of marketing/promotion.

Proposals for plenary or parallel sessions, panel discussions, roundtable sessions and other pre- or post- conference activities are welcome. Proposals should contain a brief description of the session theme, names of organizer(s) and a tentative list of all papers to be included in the session. Please send session proposals to the Program Chair Workshop, tutorial and session proposals are due by March 1, 2006.

Submission Format
Preliminary and final submissions must be received in .pdf format. Other formats will not be accepted. Several free or low-cost programs to write .pdf files may be found on the web; see the conference website for links.

At the time of submission for each work, please fill out the online form (contact information for all author(s) with a 150-word abstract) and upload three updateable files. The first will be the body of the work with no author information for blind review; the second is the version for the proceedings CD with a 150-word abstract and complete author information; and the third, any supporting material, including models, submitted as a single file or a .zip archive.

Materials must be submitted online via the Society website Authors will be asked to complete a short questionnaire about the appropriate session placement and format for their presentation at the time of submission.

Conference Proceedings
A conference pack will include the program with Printed Abstract Proceedings for all scheduled presentations. The Conference CD-ROM Proceedings including final versions of papers will be distributed after the conference. Full works for plenary, parallel, poster and workshop presentations will be included on the CD.


Organizing Chair
Etiënne Rouwette
Methodology Department

Nijmegen School of Management

Radboud University Nijmegen

The Netherlands


Conference Chair
Jac Vennix
Methodology Department

Nijmegen School of Management

Radboud University Nijmegen

The Netherlands


Program Chair
Andreas Größler
Mannheim Business School

Mannheim University




Workshop Chair
Jack B. Homer
Homer Consulting

Voorhees, New Jersey USA


Local Host
Methodology Department,
Nijmegen School of Management,
Radboud University Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Conference Manager
Roberta L. Spencer, Executive Director
System Dynamics Society

Milne 300 - Rockefeller College
University at Albany
, State University of New York
Albany, New York 12222 USA
Phone: +1 (518) 442-3865,
Fax: +1 (518) 442-3398

Deadlines and Key Dates
January 2, 2006 Opening date for paper submissions and workshop and session proposals
March 1, 2006 Paper submission deadline; workshop, tutorial and session proposals due
April 15, 2006 Notification of acceptance and program placement, and draft program overview by thread on the web
May 15, 2006 Final abstracts due for Printed Abstract Proceedings
June 1, 2006 Designated presenter registration deadline; papers of unregistered designated presenters reassigned to poster
June 15, 2006 Deadline for early conference registration and tentative program schedule on the web
July 23, 2006 PhD Colloquium
July 24, 2006 Nijmegen Conference Opening!
August 15, 2006 Deadline for final papers for CD-ROM Proceedings
September 2006 CD-ROM Proceedings mailed to conference registrants

Conference Sponsors, as of July 17, 2006

Conference Partner: Minase BV
Conference Partner: Ventana Systems, Inc.
Conference Host: Methodology Department, Nijmegen School of Management, Radboud University Nijmegen
ABK Radboud University Nijmegen
Amber Blocks Ltd.
Attune Group, Inc.
Booz Allen Hamilton
Bosan Nissan
City of Nijmegen
De Vierjaargetijden
Forio Business Simulations
GE Insurance Solutions
Global Strategy Dynamics Ltd.
International Society for the Systems Sciences
isee systems
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Kamer van Koophandel Centraal Gelderland
Lane Press of Albany
LISTO bvba
Mohaseboon Business & Financial Consultancies
Pegasus Communications, Inc.
Powersim Solutions, Inc.
Significant BV
SoL, Society for Organizational Learning
Vivaldi's Café
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Advanced Distance Learning Network
XJ Technologies Company Ltd.


For more information, please contact:
Roberta L. Spencer, Executive Director

System Dynamics Society

Milne 300 – Rockefeller College

University at Albany, State University of

New York, Albany, New York 12222 USA

Phone: +1 518 442-3865       Fax: +1 518 442-3398


Last revised, rsl, Sept 23, 2008