The use of System Dynamic software tools are becoming a popular way of investigating complex problems. However, along with the use of these tools exists the risk of relying too heavily on the numerical part of the analysis and neglecting the preparation phase for analysis. Any modelling procedure in System Dynamic modelling goes through a conceptual phase that uses the ‘Learning Loop’ approach. This phase is most often done unintentionally. Using the Learning Loop approach consciously facilitates the ‘group modelling’ process to acquire four successive phases, i.e. Definition, Clarification, Confirmation and Implementation. This enables a clear structure in the process, from acquiring the task to documenting the results. Only by intentionally using the Learning Loop approach in a managed manner, can the full potential of the process be exploited. Qualitative analysis does not replace simulations with a computer model but simulations should serve as a continuation to reconfirm or refute qualitative hypothesis and a simulation should only occur when the mental model has been tested. Systems Analysis, including its thinking, analysis and dynamics, is not a method, but rather an adaptive learning behaviour. It is a behaviour that finds the optimally adapted method, applying at some times SD computer tools.