* Testing the economic effects of a Minimum Wage NOTE DISTRIBUTION OF BUSINESSES NOTE c b=0.5 c a=0.5 a wgtaz.k=tabhl(wgtazt,a,0,0.5,0.1) note weighted value according to a determing imports, note ie according to how big u_ is, imports for m_ are determined t wgtazt=1/0.8/0.45/0.2/0.05/0 note t wgtazt=6*0 NOTE WAGE RATE EQUATIONS NOTE a wrpm.k=wrph.k*hpw*wpm.k n wrpmi=wrpm l wrph.k=wrph.j+dt*(wrincmw.jk+wrincdfps.jk) n wrph=wrphi c wrphi=5 c hpw=40 a wpm.k=wpyr/mpyr c wpyr=52 c mpyr=12 NOTE TOTAL (IE FINAL) MW EFFECTS NOTE a finwrph.k=wrphi*(1+step(tmwref,steptm)) n steptm=pulsetm c tmwref=0.15 NOTE IMMEDIATE EFFECTS OF MINIMUM WAGE RATE IMPOSITION/INCREASE NOTE r wrincmw.kl=pulse(mwrim*wrphi/dt,pulsetm,length) c mwrim=0.1 c pulsetm=10 note n pulsetm=length NOTE LONGER TERM DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE NOTE r wrincdfps.kl=(finwrph.k-wrph.k)/tdfps c tdfps=24 NOTE *********************MANUFACTURING************************* NOTE OUTPUT NOTE normal output per person hikes, if any, are realized gradually, NOTE and further delays are involved until entrepreneurs perceive them. NOTE The same applies within the service sector NOTE r m_outpb.kl=m_empb.k*m_acoutpp.k a m_acoutpp.k=min(m_noutpp.k*m_invp.k,1.1*m_noutpp.k) note make fuzzy a m_noutpp.k=delay1(m_inoutpp.k,trinout) a m_inoutpp.k=m_noutppi*(1+m_prodin.k) n m_noutppi=ratio(qxpb_m,m_empb) a m_avnoutpp.k=smooth(m_noutpp.k,tsmout) a m_prodin.k=pctdfwr.k*m_detprodin a pctdfwr.k=(wrpm.k-wrpmi)/wrpmi c m_detprodin=0 note c m_detprodin=1 c zeroexunpb=0 c trinout=3 c tsmout=2 NOTE INVENTORY NOTE l m_invpb.k=m_invpb.j+dt*(m_outpb.jk-qxpb_m.jk) n m_invpb=m_dinvpb r qxpb_m.kl=min(ratio(cs_m.kl,(m_avp.k*m_bus.k)),m_invpb.k/dt) note the minimum restriction is needed only when carrying note extreme conditions tests n qxpb_m=ratio(cs_m,(m_avp*m_bus)) *needed only when using a min function above a m_dinvpb.k=m_cov*avqxpb_m.k r m_invadjpb.kl=(m_dinvpb.k-m_invpb.k)/tainv a m_sminvadjpb.k=smooth(m_invadjpb.k,tsminvadj) note note inventory adjustment [invadj] affects desired employment -see relevant note section note c m_cov=2 a avqxpb_m.k=smooth(qxpb_m.jk,m_tavqx) c m_tavqx=3 c tainv=3 c tsminvadj=3 NOTE BUSINESSES NOTE NOTE AUXILIARY BUSINESS [busax] The calculation of busax allows to determine NOTE the 1st order delay of business opening/closing rates. These rates will NOTE later enter a further 2nd order delay structure to produce a total of NOTE a 3rd order delay. NOTE l m_busax.k=m_busax.j+dt*(m_busop1.jk-m_buscl1.jk) n m_busax=m_bus r m_busop1.kl=max((m_dbus.k-m_busax.k)/(topb/3),zerobc)*unemptight.k r m_buscl1.kl=max((m_busax.k-m_dbus.k)/(tclb/3),zerobc) c topb=6 c tclb=6 c zerobc=0 c zerobus=0 NOTE ACTUAL BUSINESS EQS INCLUDING A 3RD ORDER DELAY OF BUSINESS NOTE OPENING/CLOSING RATES NOTE l m_bus.k=m_bus.j+dt*(m_busop3.jk-m_buscl3.jk) n m_bus=m_nbus r m_busop3.kl=delay2(m_busop1.jk,(2*topb/3)) r m_buscl3.kl=delay2(m_buscl1.jk,(2*tclb/3)) n m_nbus=tbus*b n tbus=(1-a)*(tlf*(1-nunrt))/(nempb+ppbus) c nunrt=0.1 NOTE DESIRED BUSINESSES NOTE a m_dbus.k=clip(m_dbuspan.k,m_dbuspbn.k,m_avrprfpb_n.k,one) a m_dbuspbn.k=tabhl(dbuspbnt,m_avrprfpb_n.k,0,1,0.2)*m_nbus t dbuspbnt=0/0.05/0.25/0.6/0.88/1 a m_dbuspan.k=(1+m_pctdavrprfpb.k*m_buspropc)*m_nbus a m_dbuscl.k=max((m_bus.k-m_dbus.k),zerobus) note m_dbuscl is used in case a 1st order delay in business openings/ note closures is to be tested c one=1 c m_buspropc=0.5 NOTE UNEMPTIGHT NOTE a unemptight.k=tabhl(unemptightt,temp.k/tlf,0.9,1,0.02) t unemptightt=1/0.95/0.85/0.5/0.12/0 NOTE EMPLOYMENT NOTE a m_temp.k=(m_empb.k+ppbus)*m_bus.k a m_emp.k=m_empb.k*m_bus.k l m_empb.k=m_empb.j+dt*(m_hrpb.jk-m_frpb.jk) n m_empb=nempb*swaf0*swm0 r m_hrpb.kl=max((m_dempb.k-m_empb.k)/taemp,zeroempbcr)*unemptight.k r m_frpb.kl=max((m_empb.k-m_dempb.k)/taemp,zeroempbcr) c nempb=10 c taemp=3 c ppbus=1 c zeroempbcr=0 NOTE DESIRED EMPLOYMENT (FUZZY DEMPB) NOTE a m_dempb.k=nempb*m_efdemp.k a m_efdemp.k=tabhl(efdempt,m_dempbax.k/nempb,0.7,1.4,0.1)*swaf0.k*swm0.k t efdempt=0.8/0.83/0.9/1/1.1/1.16/1.19/1.2 a m_dempbax.k=m_dempbdem.k+m_dempbinv.k a m_dempbdem.k=ratio(avqxpb_m.k,m_avnoutpp.k) a m_dempbinv.k=ratio(m_sminvadjpb.k,m_avnoutpp.k) NOTE WAGES NOTE r m_wgs.kl=m_emp.k*wrpm.k a m_wgspb.k=m_empb.k*wrpm.k NOTE ENTREPRENEURS' INCOME NOTE l m_entrinc.k=m_entrinc.j+dt*(m_prf.jk-m_csentr.jk) n m_entrinc=tentrinci*(1-a)*b c tentrinci=8e9 NOTE EMPLOYEES' INCOME NOTE l m_empinc.k=m_empinc.j+dt*(m_wgs.jk-m_csemp.jk) n m_empinc=m_emp*wrpm*spd NOTE PROFITS NOTE a m_prfpb.k=qxpb_m.kl*m_avp.k-(m_wgspb.k+m_fcpb) r m_prf.kl=m_prfpb.k*m_bus.k a m_rprfpb.k=ratio(m_prfpb.k,defl.k) a m_avrprfpb.k=smooth(m_rprfpb.k,tavrprf) a m_pctdavrprfpb.k=ratio((m_avrprfpb.k-m_nrprfpb),m_nrprfpb) a m_avrprfpb_n.k=ratio(m_avrprfpb.k,m_nrprfpb) a defl.k=avp.k/avpi n m_nrprfpb=ratio(m_prf,(m_bus*defl)) c tavrprf=18 n m_fcpb=ratio(m_wgs,m_bus) NOTE CONSUMPTION DERIVED FROM (INCOME PRODUCED WITHIN) MANUFACTURING NOTE note r m_csemp.kl=m_empinc.k/spd r m_csemp.kl=delay1(m_emp.k*wrpmi,spd) r m_csentr.kl=max(m_entrinc.k/spd,zerocs) *max restriction needed only note when carrying some extreme conditions tests c spd=3 c zerocs=0 NOTE DISTRIBUTED CONSUMPTION DERIVED FROM MANUFACTURING NOTE a m_ncsemp_m.k=m_csemp.kl*(1-a)*b a m_ncsemp_s.k=m_csemp.kl*(1-a)*(1-b) a m_ncsemp_u.k=m_csemp.kl*a a m_ncsentr_m.k=m_csentr.kl*(1-a)*b a m_ncsentr_s.k=m_csentr.kl*(1-a)*(1-b) a m_ncsentr_u.k=m_csentr.kl*a a m_csemp_m.k=m_ncsemp_m.k*(1-m_subrt.k) a m_csemp_s.k=m_ncsemp_s.k*(1-s_subrt.k) a m_csemp_u.k=(m_ncsemp_u.k+m_ncsemp_m.k*m_subrt.k*(1-m_imprt.k)+ x m_ncsemp_s.k*s_subrt.k*(1-s_imprt.k))*(1-u_imprt.k) a m_csentr_m.k=m_ncsentr_m.k*(1-m_subrt.k) a m_csentr_s.k=m_ncsentr_s.k*(1-s_subrt.k) a m_csentr_u.k=(m_ncsentr_u.k+m_ncsentr_m.k*m_subrt.k*(1-m_imprt.k)+ x m_ncsentr_s.k*s_subrt.k*(1-s_imprt.k))*(1-u_imprt.k) NOTE GOVERNMENT'S BALANCING CONSUMPTION NOTE n tgvcs=ngvcs_m+ngvcs_s+ngvcs_u n ngvcs_m=m_csentr+m_wgs+m_fcpb*m_bus-(m_csemp_m+s_csemp_m+u_csemp_m+ x m_csentr_m+s_csentr_m+u_csentr_m+csunemp_m) a gvcs_m.k=ngvcs_m*(1-m_subrt.k) NOTE CONSUMPTION DIRECTED TO MANUFACTURING NOTE r cs_m.kl=m_csemp_m.k+s_csemp_m.k+u_csemp_m.k+m_csentr_m.k+ x s_csentr_m.k+u_csentr_m.k+csunemp_m.k+gvcs_m.k+excs_m.k NOTE PRICE NOTE a m_avp.k=m_flp.k l m_flp.k=m_flp.j+dt*m_pcr.jk n m_flp=m_avpi*swaf0*swm0 r m_pcr.kl=(m_dp.k-m_avp.k)/tap a m_dp.k=m_avpi*m_invp.k*swaf0.k*swm0.k a m_invp.k=ratio(m_dinvpb.k,m_invpb.k) n m_nmgin=m_avp-m_uncst c m_avpi=10 c tap=12 NOTE SUBSTITUTION RATE NOTE a m_subrt.k=tabhl(subrtt,ratio(m_avp.k,m_avpi),1,1.4,0.05) t subrtt=0/0.04/0.12/0.24/0.42/0.64/0.86/0.97/1 a swu0.k=clip(zero,one,zero,a) a swaf0.k=one-clip(one,zero,a,one) a swm0.k=clip(zero,one,zero,b) a sws0.k=one-clip(one,zero,b,one) c zero=0 NOTE UNIT COSTS NOTE a m_uncst.k=ratio((m_empb.k*wrpm.k+m_fcpb),m_outpb.kl) a m_avuncst.k=smooth(m_uncst.k,tavuncst) c tavuncst=3 NOTE **********************SERVICES************************* NOTE OUTPUT NOTE a s_outpb.k=s_empb.k*s_acoutpp.k (this is an auxiliary instead of a rate note since there are no inventory equivalents in services sector, thus note s_outpb does not flow into smth.) a s_acoutpp.k=min(ratio(cs_s.kl,(s_avp.k*s_bus.k*s_empb.k)),1.1*s_noutpp.k) a s_noutpp.k=delay1(s_innoutpp.jk,trinout) a s_innoutpp.k=s_noutppi*(1+s_prodin.k) n s_noutppi=ratio(qxpb_s,s_empb) a s_avnoutpp.k=smooth(s_noutpp.k,tsmout) a s_prodin.k=pctdfwr.k*s_detprodin c s_detprodin=0 note c s_detprodin=1 NOTE QUANTITIES EXCHANGED NOTE r qxpb_s.kl=s_outpb.k n qxpb_s=ratio(cs_s,(s_avp*s_bus)) NOTE BUSINESSES NOTE NOTE AUXILIARY EQS FOR BUSINESSES -SEE ANALYSIS FOR MANUFACTURING EQUIVALENTS NOTE l s_busax.k=s_busax.j+dt*(s_busop1.jk-s_buscl1.jk) n s_busax=s_bus r s_busop1.kl=max((s_dbus.k-s_busax.k)/(topb/3),zerobc)*unemptight.k r s_buscl1.kl=max((s_busax.k-s_dbus.k)/(tclb/3),zerobc) NOTE ACTUAL BUSINESS EQS -SEE ANALYSIS FOR MANUFACTURING EQUIVALENTS NOTE l s_bus.k=s_bus.j+dt*(s_busop3.jk-s_buscl3.jk) n s_bus=s_nbus n s_nbus=tbus*(1-b) r s_busop3.kl=delay2(s_busop1.jk,(2*topb/3)) r s_buscl3.kl=delay2(s_buscl1.jk,(2*tclb/3)) NOTE DESIRED BUSINESSES NOTE a s_dbus.k=clip(s_dbuspan.k,s_dbuspbn.k,s_avrprfpb_n.k,one) a s_dbuspbn.k=tabhl(dbuspbnt,s_avrprfpb_n.k,0,1,0.2)*s_nbus a s_dbuspan.k=(1+s_pctdavrprfpb.k*s_buspropc)*s_nbus c s_buspropc=0.5 NOTE EMPLOYMENT NOTE a s_temp.k=(s_empb.k+ppbus)*s_bus.k a s_emp.k=s_empb.k*s_bus.k l s_empb.k=s_empb.j+dt*(s_hrpb.jk-s_frpb.jk) n s_empb=nempb*swaf0*sws0 r s_hrpb.kl=max((s_dempb.k-s_empb.k)/taemp,zeroempbcr)*unemptight.k r s_frpb.kl=max((s_empb.k-s_dempb.k)/taemp,zeroempbcr) NOTE DESIRED EMPLOYMENT (FUZZY) NOTE a s_dempb.k=nempb*s_efdemp.k a s_efdemp.k=tabhl(efdempt,ratio(s_dempbax.k,nempb),0.7,1.4,0.1)* x swaf0.k*sws0.k a s_dempbdem.k=ratio(avqdpb_s.k,s_avnoutpp.k) a s_dempbax.k=s_dempbdem.k (i'm using this to have the same eqs as note within the m_ sector. I could have used s_dempbdem.k directly for the note calculation of s_efdem NOTE WAGES NOTE r s_wgs.kl=s_emp.k*wrpm.k a s_wgspb.k=s_empb.k*wrpm.k NOTE ENTREPRENEURS' INCOME NOTE l s_entrinc.k=s_entrinc.j+dt*(s_prf.jk-s_csentr.jk) n s_entrinc=tentrinci*(1-a)*(1-b) NOTE EMPLOYEES' INCOME NOTE l s_empinc.k=s_empinc.j+dt*(s_wgs.jk-s_csemp.jk) n s_empinc=s_emp*wrpm*spd NOTE PROFITS NOTE a s_prfpb.k=s_outpb.k*s_avp.k-(s_wgspb.k+s_fcpb) r s_prf.kl=s_prfpb.k*s_bus.k a s_rprfpb.k=ratio(s_prfpb.k,defl.k) a s_avrprfpb.k=smooth(s_rprfpb.k,tavrprf) a s_pctdavrprfpb.k=ratio((s_avrprfpb.k-s_nrprfpb),s_nrprfpb) a s_avrprfpb_n.k=ratio(s_avrprfpb.k,s_nrprfpb) n s_nrprfpb=ratio(s_prf,(s_bus*defl)) n s_fcpb=ratio(s_wgs,s_bus) NOTE CONSUMPTION DERIVED FROM (INCOME PRODUCED WITHIN THE) SERVICE SECTOR NOTE note r s_csemp.kl=s_empinc.k/spd r s_csemp.kl=delay1(s_emp.k*wrpmi,spd) r s_csentr.kl=max((s_entrinc.k/spd),zerocs) *max restriction needed only note when carrying some extreme conditions tests NOTE DISTRIBUTED CONSUMPTION DERIVED FROM SERVICES NOTE a s_ncsemp_m.k=s_csemp.kl*(1-a)*b a s_ncsemp_s.k=s_csemp.kl*(1-a)*(1-b) a s_ncsemp_u.k=s_csemp.kl*a a s_ncsentr_m.k=s_csentr.kl*(1-a)*b a s_ncsentr_s.k=s_csentr.kl*(1-a)*(1-b) a s_ncsentr_u.k=s_csentr.kl*a a s_csemp_m.k=s_ncsemp_m.k*(1-m_subrt.k) a s_csemp_s.k=s_ncsemp_s.k*(1-s_subrt.k) a s_csemp_u.k=(s_ncsemp_u.k+s_ncsemp_m.k*m_subrt.k*(1-m_imprt.k)+ x s_ncsemp_s.k*s_subrt.k*(1-s_imprt.k))*(1-u_imprt.k) a s_csentr_m.k=s_ncsentr_m.k*(1-m_subrt.k) a s_csentr_s.k=s_ncsentr_s.k*(1-s_subrt.k) a s_csentr_u.k=(s_ncsentr_u.k+s_ncsentr_m.k*m_subrt.k*(1-m_imprt.k)+ x s_ncsentr_s.k*s_subrt.k*(1-s_imprt.k))*(1-u_imprt.k) NOTE GOVERNMENT'S BALANCING CONSUMPTION NOTE n ngvcs_s=s_csentr+s_wgs+s_fcpb*s_bus-(m_csemp_s+s_csemp_s+u_csemp_s+ x m_csentr_s+s_csentr_s+u_csentr_s+csunemp_s) a gvcs_s.k=ngvcs_s*(1-s_subrt.k) NOTE CONSUMPTION DIRECTED TO SERVICES NOTE r cs_s.kl=m_csemp_s.k+s_csemp_s.k+u_csemp_s.k+m_csentr_s.k+ x s_csentr_s.k+u_csentr_s.k+csunemp_s.k+gvcs_s.k+excs_s.k NOTE CAPACITY PRESSURE ON PRICE NOTE a s_capps.k=ratio(avqdpb_s.k,s_noutpb.k) a s_noutpb.k=s_avnoutpp.k*s_empb.k a avqdpb_s.k=smooth(ratio(cs_s.kl,(s_avp.k*s_bus.k)),s_tavqd) c s_tavqd=3 NOTE PRICE NOTE l s_avp.k=s_avp.j+dt*s_pcr.jk n s_avp=s_avpi*swaf0*sws0 c s_avpi=10 r s_pcr.kl=(s_dp.k-s_avp.k)/tap a s_dp.k=s_avpi*s_capps.k*swaf0.k*sws0.k n s_nmgin=s_avp-s_uncst NOTE SUBSTITUTION RATE NOTE a s_subrt.k=tabhl(subrtt,ratio(s_avp.k,s_avpi),1,1.4,0.05) NOTE UNIT COSTS NOTE a s_uncst.k=ratio((s_empb.k*wrpm.k+s_fcpb),s_outpb.k) a s_avuncst.k=smooth(s_uncst.k,tavuncst) NOTE AVERAGE PRICE (NOT SMOOTHED) TO DETERMINE REAL PROFITS NOTE a avp.k=m_avp.k*(1-a)*b+s_avp.k*(1-a)*(1-b)+u_avp.k*a n avpi=avp NOTE ********************UNAFFECTED FIRMS********************** NOTE ENTREPRENEURS' INCOME NOTE l u_entrinc.k=u_entrinc.j+dt*(u_prf.jk-u_csentr.jk) n u_entrinc=tentrinci*a NOTE EMPLOYEES' INCOME NOTE l u_empinc.k=u_empinc.j+dt*(u_wgs.jk-u_csemp.jk) n u_empinc=u_emp*u_wrpm*spd NOTE PROFITS NOTE r u_prf.kl=cs_u.kl-u_wgs.kl-u_fc NOTE FIXED COSTS NOTE n u_fc=2*u_wgs NOTE WAGES NOTE r u_wgs.kl=u_emp.k*u_wrpm n u_wrpm=2*wrpmi NOTE CONSUMPTION DERIVED FROM (INCOME PRODUCED WITHIN) THE UNAFFECTED SECTORS NOTE r u_csemp.kl=u_empinc.k/spd r u_csentr.kl=max(u_entrinc.k/spd,zerocs) *max restriction needed only note when carrying extreme some conditions tests NOTE DISTRIBUTED CONSUMPTION DERIVED FROM UNAFFECTED SECTORS NOTE a u_ncsemp_m.k=u_csemp.kl*(1-a)*b a u_ncsemp_s.k=u_csemp.kl*(1-a)*(1-b) a u_ncsemp_u.k=u_csemp.kl*a a u_ncsentr_m.k=u_csentr.kl*(1-a)*b a u_ncsentr_s.k=u_csentr.kl*(1-a)*(1-b) a u_ncsentr_u.k=u_csentr.kl*a a u_csemp_m.k=u_ncsemp_m.k*(1-m_subrt.k) a u_csemp_s.k=u_ncsemp_s.k*(1-s_subrt.k) a u_csemp_u.k=(u_ncsemp_u.k+u_ncsemp_m.k*m_subrt.k*(1-m_imprt.k)+ x u_ncsemp_s.k*s_subrt.k*(1-s_imprt.k))*(1-u_imprt.k) a u_csentr_m.k=u_ncsentr_m.k*(1-m_subrt.k) a u_csentr_s.k=u_ncsentr_s.k*(1-s_subrt.k) a u_csentr_u.k=(u_ncsentr_u.k+u_ncsentr_m.k*m_subrt.k*(1-m_imprt.k)+ x u_ncsentr_s.k*s_subrt.k*(1-s_imprt.k))*(1-u_imprt.k) NOTE GOVERNMENT'S CONSUMPTION NOTE n ngvcs_u=u_csentr+u_wgs+u_fc-(m_csemp_u+s_csemp_u+u_csemp_u+m_csentr_u+ x s_csentr_u+u_csentr_u+csunemp_u) a gvcs_u.k=(ngvcs_u+ngvcs_m*m_subrt.k*(1-m_imprt.k)+ x ngvcs_s*s_subrt.k*(1-s_imprt.k))*(1-u_imprt.k) NOTE CONSUMPTION DIRECTED TO UNAFFECTED SECTOR NOTE r cs_u.kl=m_csemp_u.k+s_csemp_u.k+u_csemp_u.k+m_csentr_u.k+ x s_csentr_u.k+u_csentr_u.k+csunemp_u.k+gvcs_u.k+excs_u.k NOTE EMPLOYMENT NOTE l u_emp.k=u_emp.j+dt*(u_hr.jk-u_fr.jk) n u_emp=tlf*(1-nunrt)-m_temp-s_temp a u_demp.k=ratio(avqx_u.k,u_outpp) r u_hr.kl=max((u_demp.k-u_emp.k)/taemp,zeroempcr)*unemptight.k r u_fr.kl=max((u_emp.k-u_demp.k)/taemp,zeroempcr) c zeroempcr=0 NOTE QUANTITIES EXCHANGED NOTE a avqx_u.k=smooth(qx_u.jk,u_tavqx) r qx_u.kl=ratio(cs_u.kl,u_avp.k) c u_tavqx=3 NOTE PRICE NOTE l u_avp.k=u_avp.j+dt*u_pcr.jk n u_avp=u_navp*swu0 c u_navp=14 r u_pcr.kl=(u_dp.k-u_avp.k)/tap a u_dp.k=u_capps.k*u_navp*swu0.k NOTE CAPACITY PRESSURE NOTE a u_capps.k=ratio(avqx_u.k,u_nout.k) a u_nout.k=u_emp.k*u_outpp NOTE PRODUCTIVITY NOTE n u_outpp=ratio(cs_u,(u_emp*u_avp)) NOTE ***********************UNEMPLOYED*************************** NOTE UNEMPLOYMENT NOTE c tlf=10e6 a temp.k=(m_temp.k)+(s_temp.k)+(u_emp.k) a unemp.k=tlf-temp.k c minmthinc=520 NOTE UNEMPLOYED'S INCOME NOTE l unempinc.k=unempinc.j+dt*(unempincrt.jk-csunemp.jk) n unempinc=unemp*minmthinc*spd r unempincrt.kl=unemp.k*minmthinc NOTE UNEMPLOYEDS' CONSUMPTION NOTE r csunemp.kl=unempinc.k/spd a ncsunemp_m.k=csunemp.kl*(1-a)*b a ncsunemp_s.k=csunemp.kl*(1-a)*(1-b) a ncsunemp_u.k=csunemp.kl*a a csunemp_m.k=ncsunemp_m.k*(1-m_subrt.k) a csunemp_s.k=ncsunemp_s.k*(1-s_subrt.k) a csunemp_u.k=(ncsunemp_u.k+ncsunemp_m.k*m_subrt.k*(1-m_imprt.k)+ x ncsunemp_s.k*s_subrt.k*(1-s_imprt.k))*(1-u_imprt.k) NOTE *******************IMPORTS*********************** NOTE a m_imprt.k=min((wgtaz.k+imprtc.k),one)*swm0.k a s_imprt.k=m_imprt.k*sws0.k a u_imprt.k=tabhl(subrtt,u_avp.k/u_navp,1,1.4,0.05) a imprtc.k=0.1*swaf0.k r imports.kl=m_imp.k+s_imp.k+u_imp.k a m_imp.k=m_imprt.k*m_subrt.k*(m_ncsemp_m.k+s_ncsemp_m.k+u_ncsemp_m.k+ x m_ncsentr_m.k+s_ncsentr_m.k+u_ncsentr_m.k+ncsunemp_m.k+ngvcs_m+nexcs_m.k) a s_imp.k=s_imprt.k*s_subrt.k*(m_ncsemp_s.k+s_ncsemp_s.k+u_ncsemp_s.k+ x m_ncsentr_s.k+s_ncsentr_s.k+u_ncsentr_s.k+ncsunemp_s.k+ngvcs_s+nexcs_s.k) a u_imp.k=(u_imprt.k/(1-u_imprt.k))*(m_csemp_u.k+s_csemp_u.k+ x u_csemp_u.k+m_csentr_u.k+s_csentr_u.k+u_csentr_u.k+csunemp_u.k+ x gvcs_u.k+excs_u.k) NOTE *******************CYCLICALITY IN CONSUMPTION***************** NOTE EQS TO INCLUDE CYCLICALITY IN CONSUMPTION NOTE note r excs.kl=csi*0.005*sin(6.283*time.k/perd) r excs.kl=0 n csi=m_csentr+s_csentr+u_csentr+m_csemp+s_csemp+u_csemp+csunemp+tgvcs c perd=60 NOTE DISTRIBUTED EXOGENOUS CONSUMPTION NOTE a nexcs_m.k=excs.kl*(1-a)*b a nexcs_s.k=excs.kl*(1-a)*(1-b) a nexcs_u.k=excs.kl*a a excs_m.k=nexcs_m.k*(1-m_subrt.k) a excs_s.k=nexcs_s.k*(1-s_subrt.k) a excs_u.k=(nexcs_u.k+nexcs_m.k*m_subrt.k*(1-m_imprt.k)+ x nexcs_s.k*s_subrt.k*(1-s_imprt.k))*(1-u_imprt.k) NOTE DIRECTORY OF VARIABLE NAMES FOR MANUFACTURING NOTE d m_acoutpp=(units/(persons*months)) actual output per person d m_avnoutpp=(units/(persons*months)) average normal output per person d m_avp=(GBP/units) average price d m_avpi=(GBP/units) average price -initial value d avqxpb_m=(units/(months*firms)) average quantity exchanged per business d m_avrprfpb=(GBP/(months*firms)) average real profits per businesses d m_avrprfpb_n=(1) average real profits per businesses as compared note to normal d m_AVUNCST=(GBP/units) average unit cost d m_bus=(firms) businesses d m_busax=(firms) businesses -auxiliary: to determine the first order delay note opening/closing rates note d m_busi=(firms) businesses initially d m_buscl1=(firms/months) business closures, 1st order delay d m_buscl3=(firms/months) business closures, 3rd order delay d m_busop1=(firms/months) business openings, 1st order delay d m_busop3=(firms/months) business openings, 3rd order delay d m_buspropc=(1) business openings proportionality constant d m_cappsp=(1) capacity pressure on pressure d m_cov=(months) coverage d m_csemp=(GBP/months) consumption from employed d m_csemp_m=(GBP/months) consumption from employed directed to manufacturing d m_csemp_s=(GBP/months) consumption from employed directed to services d m_csemp_u=(GBP/months) consumption from employed directed to unaffected sector d m_csentr=(GBP/months) consumption from entrepreneurs d m_csentr_m=(GBP/months) consumption from entrepreneurs directed to manufacturing d m_csentr_s=(GBP/months) consumption from entrepreneurs directed to services d m_csentr_u=(GBP/months) consumption from entrepreneurs directed to unaffected sector d cs_m=(GBP/months) consumption spending directed to manufacturing d csunemp_m=(GBP/months) consumption spending from the unemployed directed to manufacturing d m_dbus=(firms) desired businesses d m_dbuscl=(firms) desired businesses closures d m_dbuspan=(firms) desired businesses when profits are above normal d m_dbuspbn=(firms) desired businesses when profits are below normal d m_DEMPB=(persons/firms) desired employement per business d m_DEMPBax=(persons/firms) desired employement per business -auxiliary d m_dempbdem=(persons/firms) desired employment per business note to meet current demand d m_dempbinv=(persons/firms) desired employment per business to adjust inventories d m_DETPRODIN=(1) determinant of productivity-increase rate d m_dinvpb=(units/firms) desired inventory per business d m_dp=(GBP/units) desired price (as determined from inventory pressure) d m_efdemp=(1) effect on desired employment d m_emp=(persons) employment d m_empinc=(GBP) employees' income d m_empb=(persons/firms) employment per business d m_entrinc=(GBP) entrepreneurs' income d m_excoutpp=(units/(persons*months)) excess output per person due to note businesses approaching their lower employee-per-firm limits d excs_m=(GBP/months) exogenous consumption directed to manufacturing d m_excunitpb=(units/(firms*months)) excess units per business due to note businesses approaching their lower employee-per-firm limits d m_fcpb=(GBP/(firms*months)) fixed cost per business d m_flp=(GBP/units) full price d m_FRpb=(persons/(months*firms)) fire rate per business d gvcs_m=(GBP/months) government consumption d m_hRpb=(persons/(months*firms)) hire rate per business d m_imp=(GBP/months) consumption directed to imports that would have note otherwise been spent in the manufacturing sector d m_imprt=(1) import rate d m_inoutpp=(units/(persons*months)) instantaneous output per person d m_invpb=(units/firms) inventory per business d m_invadjpb=(units/(months*firms)) inventory adjustment per business d m_invp=(1) inventory pressure d m_nbus=(firms) normal number of businesses d m_ncsemp_m=(GBP/months) normal consumption from employed directed note to manufacturing d m_ncsemp_s=(GBP/months) normal consumption from employed directed note to services d m_ncsemp_u=(GBP/months) normal consumption from employed directed note to unaffected sector d m_ncsentr_m=(GBP/months) normal consumption from entrepreneurs directed note to manufacturing d m_ncsentr_s=(GBP/months) normal consumption from entrepreneurs directed note to services d m_ncsentr_u=(GBP/months) normal consumption from entrepreneurs directed note to unaffected sector d NCSUNEMP_m=(GBP/months) normal consumption from unemployed directed to note manufacturing sector d nexcs_m=(GBP/months) normal consumption directed to manufacturing d ngvcs_m=(GBP/months) normal government consumption d m_nmgin=(GBP/units) normal margin (per unit) d m_noutpp=(units/(persons*months)) normal output per person d m_noutppi=(units/(persons*months)) normal output per person initially d m_nrprfpb=(GBP/(months*firms)) normal real profits per business d m_outpb=(units/(months*firms)) output per business d m_pcr=(GBP/(months*units)) price change rate d m_pctdavrprfpb=(1) percentage difference in average real profits per note business d m_prf=(GBP/months) profits d m_prfpb=(GBP/(months*firms)) profits per business d m_PRODIN=(1) productivity increase rate due to the imposition of the mw d qxpb_m=(units/(months*firms)) quantities exchanged per business d m_rprfpb=(GBP/(months*firms)) real profits per businesses d m_sminvadjpb=(units/(months*firms)) smoothed inventory adjustment per business d m_subrt=(1) substitution rate d m_tavqx=(months) time to average quantity exchanged d m_temp=(persons) total employment d m_tout=(units/months) total output d m_uncst=(GBP/units) unit cost d m_wgs=(GBP/months) wages d m_wgspb=(GBP/(months*firms)) wages per business NOTE DIRECTORY OF VARIABLE NAMES FOR SERVICES NOTE d s_acoutpp=(units/(persons*months)) actual output per person d s_actout=(units/months) actual total output d s_avnoutpp=(units/(persons*months)) average normal output per person d s_avp=(GBP/units) average price d s_avpi=(GBP/units) average price -initial value d avqdpb_s=(units/(months*firms)) average quantity demanded per business d s_avrprfpb=(GBP/(months*firms)) average real profits per business d s_avrprfpb_n=(1) average real profits per business as compared note to normal d s_avTCAP=(units/months) average total capacity d s_AVUNCST=(GBP/units) average unit cost d s_bus=(firms) businesses d s_busax=(firms) businesses -auxiliary: to determine the first order delay note opening/closing rates note d s_busi=(firms) businesses initially d s_buscl1=(firms/months) business closures, 1st order delay d s_buscl3=(firms/months) business closures, 3rd order delay d s_busop1=(firms/months) business openings, 1st order delay d s_busop3=(firms/months) business openings, 3rd order delay d s_buspropc=(1) business openings proportionality constant d s_CAPPS=(1) capacity pressure d s_cappsp=(1) capacity pressure on price d s_csemp=(GBP/months) consumption from employed d s_csemp_m=(GBP/months) consumption from employed directed to manufacturing d s_csemp_s=(GBP/months) consumption from employed directed to services d s_csemp_u=(GBP/months) consumption from employed directed to unaffected sector d s_csentr=(GBP/months) consumption from entrepreneurs d s_csentr_m=(GBP/months) consumption from entrepreneurs directed to manufacturing d s_csentr_s=(GBP/months) consumption from entrepreneurs directed to services d s_csentr_u=(GBP/months) consumption from entrepreneurs directed to unaffected sector d cs_s=(GBP/months) consumption spending directed to services d csunemp_s=(GBP/months) consumption from unemployed directed to note services sector d s_dbus=(firms) desired businesses d s_dbuspan=(firms) desired businesses when profits are above normal d s_dbuspbn=(firms) desired businesses when profits are below normal d s_DEMPB=(persons/firms) desired employment per business d s_DEMPBax=(persons/firms) desired employement per business -auxiliary d s_dempbdem=(persons/firms) desired employment per business to meet current demand d s_DETPRODIN=(1) determinant of productivity-increase rate d s_dp=(GBP/units) desired price d s_efdemp=(1) effect of desired employment d s_emp=(persons) employment d s_empinc=(GBP) employees' income d s_empb=(persons/firms) employment per business d s_entrinc=(GBP) entrepreneurs' income d excs_s=(GBP/months) exogenous consumption directed to services d s_fcpb=(GBP/(firms*months)) fixed cost per business d s_FRpb=(persons/(months*firms)) fire rate per business d gvcs_s=(GBP/months) government consumption d s_hRpb=(persons/(months*firms)) hire rate per business d s_imp=(GBP/months) consumption directed to imports that would have note otherwise been spent in the services sector d s_imprt=(1) import rate d s_nbus=(firms) normal number of businesses d s_innoutpp=(units/(persons*months)) instantaneous normal output per person d s_ncsemp_m=(GBP/months) consumption from employed directed note to manufacturing d s_ncsemp_s=(GBP/months) consumption from employed directed note to services d s_ncsemp_u=(GBP/months) consumption from employed directed note to unaffected sector d s_ncsentr_m=(GBP/months) consumption from entrepreneurs directed note to manufacturing d s_ncsentr_s=(GBP/months) consumption from entrepreneurs directed to note services d s_ncsentr_u=(GBP/months) normal consumption from entrepreneurs directed to note unaffected sector d NCSUNEMP_s=(GBP/months) normal consumption from unemployed directed to note services sector d nexcs_s=(GBP/months) normal consumption directed to services d ngvcs_s=(GBP/months) normal government consumption d s_nmgin=(GBP/units) normal margin d s_noutpb=(units/(months*firms)) normal output per business d s_noutpp=(units/(persons*months)) normal output per person d s_noutppi=(units/(persons*months)) normal output per person initially d s_nrprfpb=(GBP/(months*firms)) normal real profits per business d s_outpb=(units/(months*firms)) output per business d s_pcr=(GBP/(units*months)) price change rate d s_pctdavrprfpb=(1) percentage difference in average real profits per note business d s_prf=(GBP/months) profits d s_prfpb=(GBP/(months*firms)) profits per business d s_PRODIN=(1) productivity increase rate due to the imposition of the mw d qxpb_s=(units/(months*firms)) quantities exchanged per business d s_rprfpb=(GBP/(months*firms)) real profits per business d s_subrt=(1) substitution rate d s_tavqd=(months) time to average quantities demanded d s_TCAP=(units/months) total capacity d s_temp=(persons) total employment d s_uncst=(GBP/units) unit cost d s_wgs=(GBP/months) wages d s_wgspb=(GBP/(months*firms)) wages per business NOTE DIRECTORY OF UNAFFECTED SECTOR VARIABLE NAMES NOTE d u_avp=(GBP/units) average price d avqx_u=(units/months) average quantity exchanged d u_CAPPS=(1) capacity pressure d cs_u=(GBP/months) consumption spending directed to unaffected sector d u_csemp=(GBP/months) consumption from employed d u_csemp_m=(GBP/months) consumption from employed directed to manufacturing d u_csemp_s=(GBP/months) consumption from employed directed to services d u_csemp_u=(GBP/months) consumption from employed directed to unaffected sector d u_csentr=(GBP/months) consumption from entrepreneurs d u_csentr_m=(GBP/months) consumption from entrepreneurs directed to manufacturing d u_csentr_s=(GBP/months) consumption from entrepreneurs directed to services d u_csentr_u=(GBP/months) consumption from entrepreneurs directed to unaffected sector d csunemp_u=(GBP/months) consumption spending from the unemployed d u_dp=(GBP/units) desired average price d u_DEMP=(persons) desired employment d u_emp=(persons) employment d u_empinc=(GBP) employees' income d u_entrinc=(GBP) entrepreneurs' income d excs_u=(GBP/months) exogenous consumption spending directed to note unaffected sector d u_fc=(GBP/months) fixed costs d u_FR=(persons/months) fire rate d gvcs_u=(GBP/months) government consumption d u_hr=(persons/months) hire rate d u_imp=(GBP/months) consumption directed to imports that would have note otherwise been spent in the unaffected sector d u_imprt=(1) import rate d u_navp=(GBP/units) normal average price d u_ncsemp_m=(GBP/months) normal consumption from employed directed note to manufacturing d u_ncsemp_s=(GBP/months) normal consumption from employed directed note to services d u_ncsemp_u=(GBP/months) normal consumption from employed directed note to unaffected sector d u_ncsentr_m=(GBP/months) normal consumption from entrepreneurs directed note to manufacturing d u_ncsentr_s=(GBP/months) normal consumption from entrepreneurs directed note to services d u_ncsentr_u=(GBP/months) normal consumption from entrepreneurs directed note to unaffected sector d NCSUNEMP_U=(GBP/months) normal consumption from unemployed directed to note unaffected sector d nexcs_u=(GBP/months) normal exogenous consumption directed to note unaffected sector d ngvcs_u=(GBP/months) normal government consumption d u_nout=(units/months) normal output d u_outpp=(units/(persons*months)) output per person d u_pcr=(GBP/(units*months)) price change rate d u_prf=(GBP/months) profits d u_tavqx=(months) time to average quantity exchanged d qx_u=(units/months) quantity exchanged d u_wgs=(GBP/months) wages d u_wrpm=(GBP/(persons*months)) wage rate per month NOTE DIRECTORY OF COMMON VARIABLE NAMES NOTE d a=(1) d avp=(GBP/units) average price level d avpi=(GBP/units) average price level initially d b=(1) d csi=(GBP/months) consumption spending initially d csunemp=(GBP/months) consumption from unemployed d dbuspbnt=(1) desired businesses when profits are below normal -table values d defl=(1) deflation factor d dt=(months) delta time d efdempt=(1) effect of desired employment -table values d excs=(GBP/months) exogenous consumption d finwrph=(GBP/(persons*hours)) final wage rate per hour d hpw=(hours/weeks) hours per week d imprtc=(1) import rate constant d imprtpcr=(1) import rate influenced by price changes within the unaffected note sector d imports=(GBP/months) consumption directed to imports d length=(months) length of the simulation d minmthinc=(GBP/(persons*months)) minimum monthly income d mpyr=(months/year) months per year d mwrim=(1) minimum wage rate imposition d nempb=(persons/firms) normal employment per business d nunrt=(1) normal unemployment rate d one=(1) d PCTDFWR=(1) percentage difference in wage rate d perd=(months) periodicity d ppbus=(persons/firms) persons -entrepreneurs- per business d prtper=(months) printing interval d pulsetm=(months) pulse time d spd=(months) spending delay d steptm=(months) step time d subrtt=(1) substitution rate -table values d swaf0=(1) switch -zeroes out affected sector (when a=1) d swm0=(1) switch -zeroes out manufacturing sector (when b=0) d sws0=(1) switch -zeroes out service sector (when b=1) d swu0=(1) switch -zeroes out unaffected sector (when a=0) d TAEMP=(months) time to adjust employment d tainv=(months) time to adjust inventories d tap=(months) time to adjust prices d tavrprf=(months) time to average real profits d tavuncst=(months) time to average unit costs d tbus=(firms) total businesses (in the whole of the affected sector) d tclb=(months) time to close businesses d tdfps=(months) time required for differential pressures to affect the economy d temp=(persons) total employment d tentrinci=(GBP) total entrepreneurs' income initially d tgvcs=(GBP/months) total givernment consumption (constant) d tlf=(persons) total labour force d tmwref=(1) total minimum wage rate effect d topb=(months) time to open businesses d trinout=(months) time to realize increases in output d tsminvadj=(months) time to smooth inventory adjustment d tsmout=(months) time to smooth output d unemp=(persons) unemployment d unempinc=(GBP) unemployeds' income d unempincrt=(GBP/months) unemployeds' income rate d unemptight=(1) effect of tight unemployment conditions d unemptightt=(1) effect of tight unemployment conditions -table values d wgtaz=(1) weighted value according to a determing imports, note ie according to how big u_ is, imports for m_ are determined d wgtazt=(1) table values for wgtaz d wpm=(weeks/months) weeks per months d wpyr=(weeks/year) weeks per year d wrincmw=((GBP/(persons*hours))/months) wage rate increase due to the minimum wage d wrincdfps=((GBP/(persons*hours))/months) wage rate increase due to note differential pressures d wrph=(GBP/(persons*hours)) wage rate per hour d wrphi=(GBP/(persons*hours)) wage rate per hour initially d wrpm=(GBP/(persons*months)) wage rate per month d wrpmi=(GBP/(persons*months)) wage rate per month initially d zero=(1) zero d zerobc=(firms/months) zero business change d zerocs=(GBP/months) zero consumption d zeroempbcr=(persons/(firms*months)) zero employment change rate per note business d zeroempcr=(persons/months) zero employment change rate d zeroexunpb=(units/(firms*months)) zero excess units per business NOTE *********************SUPPLEMENTARY EQUATIONS************************* NOTE SUPPLEMENTARY EQS NOTE s a_avp.k=m_avp.k*b+s_avp.k*(1-b) s a_bus.k=m_bus.k+s_bus.k s a_wgspb.k=ratio((m_wgs.kl+s_wgs.kl),(m_bus.k+s_bus.k)) s a_temp.k=m_temp.k+s_temp.k s a_empb.k=m_empb.k*b+s_empb.k*(1-b) s a_rprfpb.k=m_rprfpb.k+s_rprfpb.k s a_divcs_u.k=ratio(m_imp.k,m_imprt.k)+ratio(s_imp.k,s_imprt.k)- x (m_imp.k+s_imp.k) s u_rprf.k=ratio(u_prf.kl,defl.k) s trprf.k=ratio((m_prf.kl+s_prf.kl+u_prf.kl),defl.k) s tcs.k=m_csentr.kl+m_csemp.kl+s_csentr.kl+s_csemp.kl+u_csentr.kl x +u_csemp.kl+csunemp.kl+excs.kl+tgvcs d a_avp=(GBP/units) affected sector's average price d a_bus=(firms) businesses in the affected sector d a_divcs_u=(GBP/months) diverted consumption away from the affected sector note into the unaffected sector d a_empb=(persons/firms) employment per business in the affected sector d a_rprfpb=(GBP/(months*firms)) affected sector's real profits note per business d a_tEMP=(persons) total employment in the affected sector d a_wgspb=(GBP/(months*firms)) wages per business d tcs=(GBP/months) total consumption spending d trprf=(GBP/months) total real profits d u_rprf=(GBP/months) unaffected sector's real profits NOTE *************MASS BALANCE CHECK EQS FOR THE FLOW OF MONEY************ NOTE IN RATE NOTE l inrt.k=inrt.j+dt*(m_wgs.jk+s_wgs.jk+u_wgs.jk+m_prf.jk+s_prf.jk+u_prf.jk x +unempincrt.jk+excs.jk+ngvcs_m+ngvcs_s+ngvcs_u) n inrt=0 NOTE OUT RATE NOTE l outrt.k=outrt.j+dt*(cs_m.jk+cs_s.jk+cs_u.jk+imports.jk) n outrt=0 NOTE INITIAL LEVELS NOTE n levi=m_empinc+s_empinc+u_empinc+m_entrinc+s_entrinc+u_entrinc x +unempinc NOTE ACTUAL LEVELS NOTE a lev.k=m_empinc.k+s_empinc.k+u_empinc.k+m_entrinc.k+s_entrinc.k+u_entrinc.k x +unempinc.k NOTE MASS BALANCE CHECK NOTE should be, and is indeed in effect zero. NOTE a mbc.k=inrt.k+levi-outrt.k-lev.k NOTE DIRECTORY OF VARIABLE NAMES DESCRIBING THE MASS B/C EQS NOTE d inrt=(GBP) d lev=(GBP) d levi=(GBP) d mbc=(GBP) mass b/c eqs regarding the flow of money d outrt=(GBP) d zerobus=(firms) zero businesses NOTE ********************OUTPUT STATEMENTS******************** NOTE OUTPUT STATEMENTS NOTE note c dt=0.125 c dt=0.25 note c length=0 note c length=0.25 note c length=9.75 note c length=12 c length=200 note c length=1000 note spec prtper=0.25 run 1 First main run:no extra spending note ********************************************** r m_csemp.kl=m_empinc.k/spd r s_csemp.kl=s_empinc.k/spd run 2 Second main run:extra spending NOTE PARTIAL MODEL TESTS NOTE NO BUSINESSES CLOSURES, r csunemp.kl=unempinci/spd n unempinci=unempinc a m_dp.k=m_avpi a s_dp.k=s_avpi t dbuspbnt=6*1 NOTE DIRECOTRY OF ADDITIONAL VARIABLES NOTE d unempinci=(GBP) unemployeds' income initially run 3 partial model, no business closures...partial model test pmt1 t dbuspbnt=0/0.05/0.25/0.6/0.88/1 run 4 businesses close down...pmt2 n m_fcpb=0 n s_fcpb=0 run 5 zero fixed costs per business ...pmt3 n m_fcpb=ratio(m_wgs,m_bus) n s_fcpb=ratio(s_wgs,s_bus) a m_dp.k=m_avpi*m_invp.k*swaf0.k*swm0.k a s_dp.k=s_avpi*s_capps.k*swaf0.k*sws0.k a imprtc.k=0 a u_imprt.k=0 run 6 restoring fcpb, allowing price increases (thus redirection to u_) note yet no imports ...pmt4 a imprtc.k=0.1 a u_imprt.k=tabhl(subrtt,u_avp.k/u_navp,1,1.4,0.05) run 7 restoring imports ...pmt5 r csunemp.kl=unempinc.k/spd run 8 restoring consumption from unemployed, thereby returning to the note second main run a m_dp.k=(m_avuncst.k+m_nmgin)*m_invp.k*swaf0.k*swm0.k a s_dp.k=(s_avuncst.k+s_nmgin)*s_capps.k*swaf0.k*sws0.k run 9 Third main run:restoring margins (higher prices) a m_dp.k=m_avpi*m_invp.k*swaf0.k*swm0.k a s_dp.k=s_avpi*s_capps.k*swaf0.k*sws0.k c m_detprodin=1 c s_detprodin=1 run 10 Fourth main run: increases in productivity note the equations used for the fifth run are presented after cyclicality note with demand is considered. NOTE SIXTH-ELEVENTH RUNS: CYCLICALITY IN DEMAND NOTE BASE RUN FOR CYCLICAL DEMAND (NO MW IMPOSITION CONSIDERED) NOTE c m_detprodin=0 c s_detprodin=0 n pulsetm=length r excs.kl=csi*0.01*sin(6.283*time.k/perd) run 1 cyclicality, base case, no mw n pulsetm=60 run 2 step 60 cyclicality, MW imposed while in growth n pulsetm=75 run 3 step 75 cyclicality, MW imposed while booming n pulsetm=90 run 4 step 90 cyclicality, MW imposed in recession n pulsetm=105 run 5 step 105 cyclicality, MW imposed in slump NOTE RESTORING EQS ...FIRST MAIN RUN NOTE r excs.kl=0 c pulsetm=10 r m_csemp.kl=delay1(m_emp.k*wrpmi,spd) r s_csemp.kl=delay1(s_emp.k*wrpmi,spd) NOTE HALVING ALL DELAYS NOTE c trinout=1.5 c tsmout=1 c m_tavqx=1.5 c tainv=1.5 c tsminvadj=1.5 c topb=3 c tclb=3 c taemp=1.5 c tavrprf=9 c spd=1.5 c tap=6 c tavuncst=1.5 c u_tavqx=1.5 run 2 halving all delays NOTE DOUBLING ALL DELAYS NOTE c trinout=6 c tsmout=4 c m_tavqx=6 c tainv=6 c tsminvadj=6 c topb=12 c tclb=12 c taemp=6 c tavrprf=36 c spd=6 including changes in spd, alter incomes and consequently consumption c tap=24 c tavuncst=6 c u_tavqx=6 run 3 doubling all delays NOTE RESTORING SECOND MAIN RUN NOTE r m_csemp.kl=m_empinc.k/spd r s_csemp.kl=s_empinc.k/spd NOTE HALVING ALL DELAYS NOTE c trinout=1.5 c tsmout=1 c m_tavqx=1.5 c tainv=1.5 c tsminvadj=1.5 c topb=3 c tclb=3 c taemp=1.5 c tavrprf=9 c spd=1.5 c tap=6 c tavuncst=1.5 c u_tavqx=1.5 run 4 halving all delays c trinout=6 c tsmout=4 c m_tavqx=6 c tainv=6 c tsminvadj=6 c topb=12 c tclb=12 c taemp=6 c tavrprf=36 c spd=6 including changes in spd, alter incomes and consequently consumption c tap=24 c tavuncst=6 c u_tavqx=6 run 5 doubling all delays NOTE FIFTH MAIN RUN, INCLUSION OF RENTIERS (WITH RESTORED DELAY VALUES) NOTE c trinout=3 c tsmout=2 c m_tavqx=3 c tainv=3 c tsminvadj=3 c topb=6 c tclb=6 c taemp=3 c tavrprf=18 c spd=3 c tap=12 c tavuncst=3 c u_tavqx=3 NOTE RENTIERS' INCOME NOTE l rtrinc.k=rtrinc.j+dt*(rentrt.jk-csrtr.jk) n rtrinc=spd*rentrt r rentrt.kl=m_fcpb*m_bus.k+s_fcpb*s_bus.k r csrtr.kl=rtrinc.k/spd NOTE DISTRIBUTED RENTIERS' CONSUMPTION NOTE a ncsrtr_m.k=csrtr.kl*(1-a)*b a ncsrtr_s.k=csrtr.kl*(1-a)*(1-b) a ncsrtr_u.k=csrtr.kl*a a csrtr_m.k=ncsrtr_m.k*(1-m_subrt.k) a csrtr_s.k=ncsrtr_s.k*(1-s_subrt.k) a csrtr_u.k=(ncsrtr_u.k+ncsrtr_m.k*m_subrt.k*(1-m_imprt.k)+ x ncsrtr_s.k*s_subrt.k*(1-s_imprt.k))*(1-u_imprt.k) NOTE REQUIRED ALTERATIONS NOTE n ngvcs_m=m_csentr+m_wgs+m_fcpb*m_bus-(m_csemp_m+s_csemp_m+u_csemp_m+ x m_csentr_m+s_csentr_m+u_csentr_m+csunemp_m+csrtr_m) n ngvcs_s=s_csentr+s_wgs+s_fcpb*s_bus-(m_csemp_s+s_csemp_s+u_csemp_s+ x m_csentr_s+s_csentr_s+u_csentr_s+csunemp_s+csrtr_s) n ngvcs_u=u_csentr+u_wgs+u_fc-(m_csemp_u+s_csemp_u+u_csemp_u+m_csentr_u+ x s_csentr_u+u_csentr_u+csunemp_u+csrtr_u) r cs_m.kl=m_csemp_m.k+s_csemp_m.k+u_csemp_m.k+m_csentr_m.k+ x s_csentr_m.k+u_csentr_m.k+csunemp_m.k+gvcs_m.k+excs_m.k+csrtr_m.k r cs_s.kl=m_csemp_s.k+s_csemp_s.k+u_csemp_s.k+m_csentr_s.k+ x s_csentr_s.k+u_csentr_s.k+csunemp_s.k+gvcs_s.k+excs_s.k+csrtr_s.k r cs_u.kl=m_csemp_u.k+s_csemp_u.k+u_csemp_u.k+m_csentr_u.k+ x s_csentr_u.k+u_csentr_u.k+csunemp_u.k+gvcs_u.k+excs_u.k+csrtr_u.k s tcs.k=m_csentr.kl+m_csemp.kl+s_csentr.kl+s_csemp.kl+u_csentr.kl x +u_csemp.kl+csunemp.kl+excs.kl+tgvcs+csrtr.kl a m_imp.k=m_imprt.k*m_subrt.k*(m_ncsemp_m.k+s_ncsemp_m.k+u_ncsemp_m.k+ x m_ncsentr_m.k+s_ncsentr_m.k+u_ncsentr_m.k+ncsunemp_m.k+ngvcs_m+nexcs_m.k+ x ncsrtr_m.k) a s_imp.k=s_imprt.k*s_subrt.k*(m_ncsemp_s.k+s_ncsemp_s.k+u_ncsemp_s.k+ x m_ncsentr_s.k+s_ncsentr_s.k+u_ncsentr_s.k+ncsunemp_s.k+ngvcs_s+nexcs_s.k+ x ncsrtr_s.k) a u_imp.k=(u_imprt.k/(1-u_imprt.k))*(m_csemp_u.k+s_csemp_u.k+ x u_csemp_u.k+m_csentr_u.k+s_csentr_u.k+u_csentr_u.k+csunemp_u.k+ x gvcs_u.k+excs_u.k+csrtr_u.k) l inrt.k=inrt.j+dt*(m_wgs.jk+s_wgs.jk+u_wgs.jk+m_prf.jk+s_prf.jk+u_prf.jk x +unempincrt.jk+excs.jk+tgvcs+csrtr.jk) NOTE DIRECTORY OF ADDITIONAL VARIABLE NAMES NOTE d csrtr=(GBP/months) consumption derived from the rentiers d rentrt=(GBP/months) rent rate d rtrinc=(GBP) rentiers' income d csrtr_m=(GBP/months) consumption from the rentiers directed to note the manufacturing sector d csrtr_s=(GBP/months) consumption from the rentiers directed to note the services sector d csrtr_u=(GBP/months) consumption from the rentiers directed to note the unaffected sector d ncsrtr_m=(GBP/months) consumption from the rentiers directed to note the manufacturing sector d ncsrtr_s=(GBP/months) normal consumption from the rentiers directed to note the services sector d ncsrtr_u=(GBP/months) normal consumption from the rentiers directed to note the unaffected sector run 11 Fifth main run: introduction of rentiers NOTE ADDITIONAL EXTREME CONDITIONS TESTS NOTE DIFFERENT EXTREME COMBINATIONS OF DISTRIBUTION OF BUSINESSES NOTE note c a=0 note c a=1 note c b=0 note c b=1 NOTE ALL DIVERTED DEMAND GOING INTO IMPORTS NOTE note a imprtc.k=1*swaf0.k NOTE ALL BUSINESSES CLOSING DOWN FROM SMALL PROFIT CUTS NOTE note t dbuspbnt=0/0/0/0/0/1