Photos from 2001 Conference

These photos were taken by your webmaster/photographer using an Olympus D-450 digital camera. Some were taken at high quality, most at standard quality, which permitted me to take over 150 on 2 memory cards. I have cropped and adjusted the quality of all of them. Click on the caption or thumbnail to see the full picture.

4Founders 4Guys&Girl ABoorsteinWDonMdwsPrzWnr AlanGraham
Four Founders of SD Four guys & a girl Allan Boorstein with Dana
Meadows Prize Winner Hazhir Rahmandad
Alan Graham
Ali&ForresterGirls AliMashayekhi AndrewJones AndyFord
Ali with Nathan's
wife and daughter
Ali Mashayekhi Andrew Jones Andy Ford
BirthdayCake CarlosAriza ChairmanOfBusMtng ConfChair
Roberta's Birthday Cake Carlos Ariza Chairman of Business
Conference Chair Nathan Forrester
WilFey DdembeWilliams DennisReDM DianaFisher
Will Fey Ddembe Williams Dennis speaking at
Tribute to Dana
Diana Fisher
DonMdwsPrzWnnr DonMorris DonSeville EubanksShowPughJetia
Donella Meadows
Prize Winner
Don Morris Don Seville Eubanks Showing
Pugh Jitia
FiresideChat HappyBirthday IgnacioMartinez IsaacDyner
Fireside Chat Happy Birthday
Ignacio Martinez Isaac Dyner
JanMons JMorecroft Joy&Fisher JStermanReDM
Jan Mons John Morecroft Tim Joy & Diana Fisher John Sterman at
Tribute to Dana
KenCooper LittleBrother Lyneises&Senge NanAlanJayAli
Ken Cooper Roberta's Little
Brother Luc
Lyneises &
Peter Senge
Nan, Alan, Jay &
OurHardWorkingStaff OurPoolShark Par Par
Our Hard Working
Our Pool Shark Jay Forrest Andreas Groessler
PauloGoncalves PCMeetng PeterMilling PlenaryQ&A
Paulo Goncalves PC Meeting Peter Milling delivering
Forrester Award Address
Plenary Session
Q & A
PosterSession Roberta&Nathan SernadingSusan&Jay SharonEls
Poster Session - Hal Rabbino Roberta & Nathan Serenading Susan & Jay Sharon Els
SmallPox StermanAwardngForPrz StudentsAtConf StuHonMntn1
Student Smallpox
Problem Leaders
Sterman Awarding
Forrester Prize
Students At Conference Meadows Prize
Honorable Mention - Luis Luna, Ignacio Martinez
StuHonMntn2 StuHonMntn3 StuPrzWnrWGeoJohn&Ali TomFiddaman
Meadows Prize
Honorable Mention - James Ritchie Dunham
Meadows Prize
Honorable Mention - Michelle Shields
Meadows Prize Winner Hazhir Rahmandad
with George, John,& Ali
Tom Fiddaman
Tsuey-PingLee VPMeetngs What's next WhereIsJoel
Tsuey-Ping Lee V P Meetings What's Next Where Is Joel

Additional photos of banquet taken by Joel Rahn

Last Edited by JP 8/13/01