Abstract for: Socio Economic Effects of Food Insecurity in Kenya and Possible Reduction of Undernourishment through a Different Crop Mix

Many studies have revealed that crop production in Kenya needs to increase at higher rate than the yield trends in order to meet the projected food demand from a rising population. Because national production, especially maize, is not keeping pace with the growth in national demand, imports and changes in crop diversification are trying to fill the food needs gap. The outcome of this paper is to provide a general perspective of the crop mix in Kenya and its influence on the different aspects of Food Security as well as on the economy and society. To do so, the analysis has been performed using a System Dynamics model that includes the most basic sectors involved in Food Security in Kenya. The resulting model can simulate and evaluate different decisions under different scenarios. Such scenarios can help to identify adequate interventions to maximize reduction in food insecurity and undernourishment while observing the repercussions in economic production, education and health.