Abstract for: The Mystery of Job Performance: A System Dynamics Model of Human Behavior

In the knowledge age, human resources decide about success or failure of an organization. How can management cause employees to act in a way that organizational goals are achieved, i.e. to perform? Using system dynamics we model job relevant mental processes and behavior of an employee. Our system dynamics model builds on in behavioral science well established ability, motivation, and opportunity theory. The effects of different human resource management policies and practices on job performance of an employee can be simulated. This helps management practitioners to identify sustainable human resource management policies and practices. Furthermore, our research contributes to closing an existing research gap. The link from human resource management policies and practices to performance is still not fully understood. The causal loop diagram of our model facilitates the critical discussion between scholars from different fields of research about relevant elements and interdependencies of this link. As a result, our model will shed some light on the 'black box' of human resource management.