Abstract for: German Chapter Informal Gathering

The German Chapter invites all interested parties to an informal gathering at the Delft International Conference. The chapter advances networking and collaboration among System Dynamicists in Germany. By end of 2013 the German Chapter had 10 institutional members (also listed on our website) and 117 (personal) members and keeps more than 300 interested researchers, managers, and students updated through its e-mail newsletter. Occasionally, System Dynamics colloquia and roundtables are organized in different places in Germany. These events provide a basis for meeting fellow System Dynamicists and for discussing modeling projects. On May 22-23, 2014, the Chapter's 8th Annual Meeting is held in Karlsruhe. This event brings together modelers from the scientific and corporate world, and by combining talks, presentations, and modeling exercises, it offers a formidable and appreciated platform for establishing links within the community as well as for actively advancing SD skills. In addition, the Gert-von-Kortzfleisch-Prize for extraordinary work in SD conducted in Germany or in German will be awarded. More information on the activities of the German Chapter is available from our website at http://www.systemdynamics.de (in German).