Abstract for: Health Care Adventures at the Center for Medical Simulation

Designed specifically for people with interest in system dynamics or simulation, this event will thrust you into the dynamic environment of healthcare on the front lines. Participants will step into the healthcare arena and take on challenges of patient care and crisis management with a simulated patient. The event will be held at the Center for Medical Simulation, a highly realistic clinical environment in which non-clinicians will actually get the chance to care for a patient and experience real-life issues first hand. It's sure to be an engaging experience. CMS faculty will work with the group before the simulations, discussing objectives and expectations, and again after the simulations, identifying important interactions, key learnings and suggestions for improvement at individual, group, and system levels. As one of the first medical simulation centers in the world, CMS has more than 25 years of experience creating and staging medical simulations. Using our experiences in the day and drawing on the decades of experience at CMS, we will explore how to use simulation to create effective learning experiences for practitioners concerned about improving performance in real-world settings. No clinical experience or training is required. Clinicians are welcome.