Abstract for: An Analysis of Post-disaster Resources Supply and Work Environment for Restoration Planning of Facilities

Disaster event causes fatal damage on regional built environment (e.g., residential and commercial buildings, core infrastructures and roadways), which generates their functionality losses. Because economic and social activities in urban area depend on not only residential and commercial but also public services provided by facilities and infrastructures, It is essential to implement appropriate restoration planning for recovering functions of facilities within a limited time. In this regard, regional recovery environment (e.g., resource supply chain, debris disposal system, and transportation network) after disaster can have negative impacts on reconstruction operations of individual facility compared to a pre-disaster situation. This research thus develops a system dynamics (SD) model to understand the constraint (e.g., required resource and service availability, and their effects on restoration work efficiency) on restoration efforts of facilities in a post-disaster situation. The results of simulation showed that a better understanding of the surrounding context for individual facility restoration can support project managers to implement more appropriate restoration planning to rapidly recover facility’s functionality with reduced wastes of time, cost and resources. This model also has a potential to be utilized for implementing more effective restoration plans for facilities and infrastructures in region with an understanding of regional recovery environment.