Abstract for: Substantiating endogenous models on induced technology change

In this paper we reflect on effective research strategies for building helpful system dynamics models on induced technology change that are substantiated in the relevant literature and empirical data sources. The paper positions the innovation system literature within the overall field of induced technology change as a distinct systemic approach that offer relevant conceptual starting points for a system dynamics modeling experiment on induced technology change analyses. Innovation system research is interested in identifying the processes underlying innovation, industrial transformation and economic growth. Also, the interest in the functional dynamics of innovation systems creates an opportunity for system dynamics researchers that are applying a scholarly developed modeling approach aiming to identify the structure and processes that explain behavior patterns of induced technology change. The paper summarizes the main modeling steps applied by system dynamics scholars and compare it with research approaches of innovation system scholars based on literature research. An unifying research strategy framework for a scientific modeling approach is introduced that highlights the main necessary requirements in order to be most useful for a real world problem situation and for theory building and refinement in general and specifically for system approaches on induced technology change.