Abstract for: Psychology Special Interest Group (SIG) Poster Presentation, Roundtable and Annual Meeting

The Psychology SIG is a venue for discourse and learning about ways of integrating psychological processes into system dynamics models and to apply system dynamics methodology to the formation of psychological theories. Currently the Chapter has approximately 40 members. Psychology SIG members share the following aims: (1) Building psychological and social constructs and processes into classical system dynamics models, including community-level models, where such constructs and processes would help in understanding the underlying dynamic problem of interest; (2) Developing new molecules or mini-models of psychological processes to promote deeper understanding of existing psychosocial and behavioral theories and to generate new psychological and behavioral theories of psychosocial and behavioral dynamics; (3) Applying system dynamics to a wide range of clinical, public health and community problems to improve therapies and interventions for individuals, couples, families, groups, and communities. The focus of the roundtable will be the use of ‘soft’ variables and the application of psychological, behavioral and social theories and processes in system dynamics modeling. Modeling of a wide range of clinical, public health and community problems and issues are welcomed. Participants are encouraged to share information about their work and to bring questions for group discussion. The annual business meeting was also held.