Abstract for: Business Special Interest Group Poster Presentation

Does your company use system dynamics modeling? Would you like to learn how other businesses are applying system dynamics tools? Would you like some help bringing these tools into your business? The Business Special Interest Group was formed in 2005 to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, methods, and lessons learned in the use of system dynamics in the corporate world. The SIG has grown substantially in the number of interested members since then. Our members represent a cross-section of industrial, consulting, and academic organizations, offering tremendous depth and breadth in relevant expertise. Our goal is to encourage the sharing of system dynamics best practices in business. Our approach is three-fold: (1) Development of the system dynamics modeling competence of business users through training and consultancies, (2) Sharing recommendations around effective tools and methodologies with immediate applicability to policy and decision making in business, and (3) Encouraging and inviting presentation tracks and speakers to present applicable work and case studies at the annual International System Dynamics Conference. We will provide several examples as part of this presentation.