The straggled, reactive and inertial orientation of Colombian entrepreneurship has been justified, inconsistently, for the hardness resources agency (internal and leveraged), concept that intensify the deficient technological capabilities being, because this situation only not become a technological means trouble, rather strategic purposes. In fact, a classical one effect of no conscientious recognition of this limitation, explain why so many organizations connect your successful with your “intelligence”, but failure with exogenous factors impact. On this understanding and intervention level, this document illustrates 3 criterions of development: (1) integration for selection, (2) learning as absorption, and (3) innovation as evolutionary addressing, through which knowledge’s constitutes as transversal action and organization principle, with 2 fundamental implications: (1) on theory help to comprehend the systemic determinants of innovation through knowledge structures; (2) on practice, an empirical analysis of this evolutionary system can help to insight focus areas for strategic stimulation of connections and synergies to better performance.